The Lagaaij Family

starting about 1550
mainly in Zeeland, The Netherlands

Also: La Gaie, La Gaeij, La Gaij, La Gaay, (de) Laga(a)ij, (de) Lagaay

the cheerful



I welcome you on this site with information on the Lagaaij/Lagaay family. I am very pleased to share with you the information I have gathered and arranged in many years. This site will probably always be 'under construction'. To the left you can find an entry in the menu on the updates and when they have taken place.


Persons that currently live use the name Lagaaij as well as Lagaay. In this overview I have chosen to always use the name Lagaaij, which simplifies the generation of name lists.

In the interest of privacy the information on living persons is not shown, but abbreviated with 'living'. If you still want to know this information, I ask you to contact me.


On this site hundreds of persons have been presented together with their data. It is very well possible that, despite of the greatest care, information may be incorrect. You will understand that I am very interested in any additions and possible improvements. Also in that case I ask you to contact me.


If you do not want your information to be presented in this way, please let me know as soon as possible, so I can take appropriate action.


I wish you lots of pleasure going through this information.


Rob Vader